Thursday, October 21, 2010

A kind of Bipolar Depressive Psychosis…



[Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.
If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me.]


This was a difficult one to manage. One can observe from the history that the complaints started with much lesser intensity and at less important organ.

The increased ambition was ignored by the parents. The patient suffered from headache and later with vomiting. Later she developed “tension headache”. Later had vision loss of and was diagnosed with “Vascular Headache”.

Later on, she developed full blown psychic disease.

The young girl was treated successfully, with Homoeopathic treatment and was restored to health.

Such a wonderful strength of Homoeopathy…

A kind of Epileptic Convulsion…


[ Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.

If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me.]

A Kind of Severe Anaemia with Violent Cough… the excellent advantage of homoeopathic treatment




(Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.

If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me. )


This case demonstrates the advantage of homoeopathic system of medicines.

It is normally observed that in such severe case of anaemia the patient would be treated with blood transfusions. The blood transfusions would have taken care of acute anaemia. The cough would have needed separate medications.

The indicated remedy would cure the patient in a very gentle manner, speedily and permanently.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Kind of Fibroid in Uterus, for which generally the patient is advised for Surgery…, treated successfully with homoeopathy, non-violent way…


Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.

If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me.

A Kind of Rheumatoid Arthritis : Promptly treated with Homoeopathic treatment

Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.
If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me.

A kind of Lung Collapse – Challenge to Medical Science

Pl. bear with the poor readability, as this is jpg from the published article, in a vernacular daily.
If you have any questions, or would like to have a detailed history and management of the case, please contact me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Published Articles

Today I am posting some of the photos of the patients treated at my clinic.
The conditions and intensity of cases vary...

The response to treatment was rapid and gentle...

This is what is wonderful about Homoeopathy...

A kind of Ganglion, patient is an engineer, designing projects

The Ganglion was making patient incapable of doing handwork esp tying and use of mouse, which was must for him to design the multi dimentional projects.

Within 20 days the Ganglion gone.... 
Now no pains, is using hand for more than 10 hours for computer work...!!!

This patient had Conjuctival  hemorrhage in the right eye. Patient was given only internal medication. No eye drops of any kind were used...
The follow up after seven days...

This patinet is suffering from Recurrent Vasculitis, a condition of inflammation of veins, with destructions. The patient was reffered by a skin specialist, who had witnessed excellent resut in some other obstinate cases of Psoriasis and Lupus erythematosus which was difficult to cure.

This was the response after 50 days... No more destruction, pain, discoloration. Nothing was applied locally.  Wonderful recovery...

This is a kind of Psoriasis. The patient was suffering from it for more than 20 years. Had earlier tried all kinds of treatment without relief.

Patient had sever itching and larges scales. She had such eruptions all over the body specially at 'all' joints. 

Patient did experience increase of the symptoms for some time but then steadily recovered...

Now free from Psoriasis...

Had infected stye with inflammation of Meibomian Gland. Had severe pain...

within a week, everything normal...

The advantage of homoeopathic medicines and its gentleness...

Take care...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rapid Recovery...

A case "treated" by experts and experts failed to releive and cure...

Here I am presenting one more unique case of “A kind of Migraine with facial Neuralgia”.
The patient was aged 49 years, male, qualified civil engineer, doing the business of industrial construction. He was referred to me by one of the old patient, who had been benefited by marvels of homoeopathy.
The case history was like this:
He had on and off pain in the left eye. This lasted for few months. Later he used to experience intense pain in left eye which used to extend till left temporal region developing into severe headache, accompanied by profuse discharges from the eye. Later this pain used to extend and cover left side of the face making it difficult to chew and at times even talk, as motion of the lower jaw used to cause severe pain. These pains used to increase by noise, touch and even mild draft of air. He tried treatment from family physician, but in vain.
As his pains increased he was not able to attend to his business as usual. Some acquaintance suggested that he should consult a dentist. Following the advice he consulted one orthodontist. He opined that two of the left lower molars need to be removed in order to remove the pain effectively. Obeying the expert opinion, his two molars were removed. The pain still persisted, now more intense.
One of the relative, a doctor, at Mumbai, suggested that along with the pain killers he should be given steroids to have relief in pains. This was added and he used take up to 60 mg of steroids per day. While under the effect of strong pain killers along with steroids he experienced significant relief in his agony. After 3 months of duration he was advised to “tapper off” the steroids and to his disappointment, his pains reappeared.
One of the relative, another doctor, from Paris, opined that this could be “allergic” complaints and patient should discontinue the use of chocolate, milk and egg in any form. This advice for followed to the letter, no change experienced.
As in most of the cases happens, the patient was suggested to take homoeopathic treatment. He consulted one the practitioner. The treatment of three months from a homoeopath also did not help.
Someone suggested about Ayurvedic treatment, which too was tried, with the same result: No change or relief in pain.
By this stage, almost five years went by. The pain which started with mild intensity had become now worst, and in the process the patient had lost two of his molar, left the food like chocolate, milk and eggs and their products, and mainly lost the hope of ever becoming well again.
The case was referred to me by a patient (whose 22 year old son had suffered with headache for 4 years, in spite of all types of treatment, cured with homoeopathic treatment at this clinic), who had promised of cure at this clinic.
In the beginning of the case taking the patient made it very clear: “I do not have faith in homoeopathy, I have already tried it, it failed to even reduce my pains, by my wife’s friend has forced me to meet you. So I am here, I do not expect much from you. If only, you can reduce my pain to a bearable level, I would be more than happy.”
By now the intensity of the pain had become worst. He used to be abusive with the pains, at times anger leading to even rage. He had developed lots of anxiety about his business as it suffered due to his prolonged and repeated absences. His sleep was disturbed from noise and the hope of ever getting recovered weaning.
The treatment of the first week showed marked improvement. On the first follow up after a week brought him smiling. The hope of being relieved was also brought back, as he said, “Pardon me, for my remark. I now feel Homoeopathy will not only relieve but cure me from this agonizing pain.”
The treatment was continued for three months. After that he is a new person, with lots of enthusiasm about business and life.
The successful treatment has won one more ardent supporter in him, as now he is referring all sorts of difficult case, like cases of epilepsy, migraine, spine –disc lesion for treatment to Homoeopathy.


This case illustrates the failed aproaches, one has to undergo in conventional mode of treatment. One expert make the diagnosis of teeth problem, removes them, without benefitting patient or his suffering.

Other experts makes diagnosis of acute exacerbation of pain, opines to manage it with strong and latest medicaments alongwith "steroids" in an attampt to "win over", meets the same result: Failure.

Other expert suggests the *allergic* component. Baring of certain essential food articles too, fail to provide change.

Homoeoapthy is blamed too often for being suspicious and containing *steroids* in it, as it provides *quick* relief.

In this case the allopaths, the inventers and users of *steroids* have failed to provide relief with considerable lases doses of steroids.

Homoeopathy is the science based on the law of similia. With the help of proving of several substances we beforehand know the ability of a medicine and its exact application. In homoeopathy we would make the diagnosis by selecting one remdey, which covers all the aspects of a case and hence only that remedy can cure.

Thus a remedy selcted on the basis of law of *similia* would never fail to provide rapid recovery..., which makes others to wonder how is it possible.

The homoeopathic literature is full of such rapid recoveries and cures...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can Homoeopathy Cure Necrosis of Pancreas???

Pancreatic Necrosis: Treated and Cured with Homoeopathy

I am posting another case. There has been a long interval in between as I was occupied with Clinical practice and other presentation.
So many times, we hear, Homoeopathy is an alternative system of medicine.
When *nothing works in* then so called *advanced medical science* the help of so called *Alternative medicines* are called into the picture.
Here is another case of one sided disease, where the patient was hospitalized and was on *death bed*.
One of the relative of the patient was a patient of mine. He anxiously inquired “Can homoeopathy be helpful in *any manner* in critical conditions like a state of *coma*?”
“What’s the case?”
“One of our distant relative was suffering from some complaints and he is admitted in hospital. There his condition has deteriorated very speedily and now he is critical. It would mean a real blessing if you can help them. But you will have to visit him in hospital as he is in nearly unconscious state”.
I visited the patient on 8 February, 1994. The patient was 47 years of age, married, having own transport business.
I went to see the patient at B.A.G. Hospital. The patient was a Sardarji, lying half way in bed with *Central Infusion* (intra-jugular), had a Ryle’s tube inserted through his nose, and a urethral Catheter.
I asked about the history, no one from the relatives present there, (the room was full of relatives, all huge people, having long beard, and pagdi) said anything in detail as they were sort of indifferent to the staff of the hospital (understandably as the patient, since the admission had instead of improving had gradually deteriorated) and they consider me as *one* of the staff member.
I asked for the person who had requested me to visit him. He came along with the wife of the patient.
She reported: “Sir ji, what shall I say? He was perfectly healthy. Yes, he did have a habit of drinking since number of years. But he was always *sober* never abused me or anyone during his drunkenness, he remained in *perfect control* even after consuming one bottle, so I never had any problem with his drinking. He had developed Gall Stones 5 years ago. Since July 1993 his drinking had increased. By end of December 1993 he used to complain of fullness of his abdomen even before having his meals. His appetite thus reduced. We gave him some medicine for increasing his appetite but that did not helped. So we consulted a physician, he said he immediately needs to be hospitalised. So he got him admitted in this hospital. Since then he is in the hospital.
He was admitted on 02/01/1994 and was discharged on 29/01/1994.
He was again admitted on 02/02/1994 as his condition had deteriorated.
As it is known, for homoeopathic treatment, we need to study the *person* in the patient. I had collected the past history about the *person*. Now I wanted the present complaints. So I went near the patient bed and asked few questions to patient like:
“How do you feel?”
“Do you have any pain?”
“Is there anything which hurts you?”
“How is your thirst?”
All were responded in Yes or No.
Regarding the nature of the *person*, I could not trace more mental symptoms except *He gets angry easily* from his wife and others present.
In technical terms of homoeopathy this is a classic case of *One sided disease*, a condition in which symptoms are obscured either from the beginning or from the treatment received. Such cases are difficult to perceive and hence more complex to treat furthermore to cure.
I studied the reports done so far. They were numerous. Though he was admitted in the hospital several tests were done at outside laboratory and CT scan centre.

The following report is of CT Scan:

There are some important observations noted. The impression is conclusive of a condition *Acute Pancreatitis changes along with significant amount of Right lumbar and ileac region collections. This was the status on 4 January, 94.

Another report of 15th January, 94, which was done at the hospital, is suggestive of: “Enlarged Liver, otherwise appear, Gall bladder of Normal size, with thick walls, and doubtful gall stones. Swollen pancreas, suggest changes of acute pancreatitis with ?focal Nodule. Fluid collection in retroperitoneam on right side. No definite ascitis.
CT scan is advised to confirm findings.

So, In spite of all the *best efforts* of the treating physicians now the disease of Pancreas had advanced.

After waiting for 10 more days, on 25th January, 94, the CT scan was performed which is compared with the previous study done 21 days before. The conclusion is:
There is seen remarkable increase in right lumbar ileac, retrocoliec-posterior pararenal space collection showing CT density from +0 to +10 . there is also seen few air pockets in right ileac fossa region of collection.
Focal Necrotic changes now better appreciated in body pancreas region, which is still enlarged.
Loculated extrapancreatic area of collection are now better appreciated, anterio-lateral to pancreas on right side. This abnormality is seen in previous scans but now are better defined. Rest of the image morphology shows no significant change.

The Blood report showed following details:
Dr Toprani lab. no. 101, 02/02/1994
Hgb : 10.0 gm%
ESR : 130 mm at 1 hour
S. Lipase : 273
SGPT : 67
Urine Analysis:
Protein : Present
RBCs : 10-20/hpf
Pus Cells : 5-10/hpf

Putting these in *general* term means, that the disease condition of the organ (in this case pancreas ) and patient had deteriorated, with all the efforts and medication and treatment. By 20 days of intensive treatment the person should have recovered, if not fully, at least the affected organ should have improved.
The fact is otherwise. The patient had continuously deteriorated. His liver function was deteriorated, he had developed urinary tract infection, along with severely damaged pancreas. Previously inflamed condition now turned in to necrosis. (By definition the necrosis means: Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.) Now the patient was in a *critical* state. There was a group of specialists examining patient of daily basis.

The attending doctors were doing all sorts of tests and were having team meeting to review his case daily morning which would conclude invariably with the conclusion:
“We will wait…
for one more day…and 
in which direction 
the BALL ROLLS...”

When one of the relative asked the treating team of physicians whether he can be shifted anywhere, the answer was:
“Yes…, you may shift him either to another Hospital or a Cemetery, but not to the home anyway.”

This was the condition of the patient. One can understand the condition of family members and the relatives. The head of the family was lying in the bed struggling with death. There were two kids at home, required care and consolation, oblivious from the worst possible. Every visitor to the patient had a different suggestion to make regarding the future course of the treatment.

The family and relative were not able to decide about future course. Someone suggested, “as of now he is not improving, what is wrong in trying Homoeoapthy? I have heard it works.”

This is common experience. When nothing works, try homoeopathy. This is since the development of homoeopathy. People were trying the prevailing modes of treatment for the relief of their malady. When nothing seemed to work, they turned to homoeopathy, and homoeopathy provided the much desired relief and cure.

The wife and the relative, who had suggested about homoeopathy, were not having very high expectations. All they wanted was *some* relief in patient’s condition. When the patient was admitted in the hospital he had walked in, and after several weeks of treatment now was confined to bed not able to move and even could not answer ‘how are you?’.

Considering the present state and the radiological, blood and urine reports, a homoeopathic medicine was selected and was advised to start in small drop doses.

The medicine was given for four days. On 12 February, the relative reported that the only change is that he is passing lots of urine now. Relatives were advised to continue the same medicine. On 14th February, the patient developed fever.

In view of the significant change in state, I visited the patient in hospital. To my surprise the patient was sitting up in the bed. The Central infusion and the Ryle’s tube, and the catheter were removed. He had started eating liquid diet. On my visit on next day, patient said, “Today, my physician made a visit. He was very happy and said I looked *pale* so he wants me to take Blood Transfusion for my anemia.”

I advised against it. He feared that they will not allow him to stay in the hospital. He resisted the idea of blood transfusion. The hospital physician was furious on the decision. So patient took discharge from the hospital (DAMA) on 19 February. Relative called that they were taking the patient back to home. I advised them to take the patient for the blood and radiological tests, in the ambulance and then go home.

Relative brought the reports next day: the blood reports were as follows

Dr Toprani lab. no.1303, 19/02/1994
Hgb : 11.10 gm%
ESR : 44 mm at 1 hour
S. Lipase : 13
SGPT : 62
SGOT : 53
Urine Analysis : NAD

This blood report is suggestive that patient’ haemoglobin has improved without any blood transfusion. The intensity of infection is much less, compared to previous report (Normally ESR would reduce within 6 weeks, once recovery starts) The serum lipase level had become normal, suggesting his pancreas must have improved and there were no signs of urinary tract infection as the urine report came perfectly normal.
Let us study the radiological report now, which is as follows:

DATE: 19 February, 1994.
Pancreas showed diminished echogenicity. No enlargement seen. No mass lesion detected.

Within 10 days of treatment, such a wonderful recovery!
With the previous mode of treatment the patient suffered for several weeks and still the organ (pancreas) continued to suffer and there was no sign of recovery at any level.

With homoeopathic treatment, within days the consciousness of patient was restored along with improvement at every level.
So, the patient had developed courage to refuse his previously treating physicians, their suggested course.

This patient was continued to be observed for more than one year. During which he did developed an episode of malarial fever, which was treated effectively with homoeopathy.
Just before the termination of the treatment patient developed urticarial eruptions. These eruptions subsided quickly with suitable medication.
The abdominal sonography was repeated after a year which came out normal, confirming long lasting recovery of the patient. His body weight increased from 59 kg to 72 kg. There remained no craving for alcohol.

Contrary to popular perception, Homoeopathy is capable of delivering the prompt relief and recovery in all types of acute critical crisis. The real strength of this system is time and again verified by several physicians since its development.
In this case, on one side, i.e. the popular mode of treatment, tried out all possible medications along with repeated laboratory and radiological examinations, without being able to help the patient to recover. The strong medications failed to offer relief even after several weeks of intensive treatment.
On the other side, as is documented, the homoeopathic system of medicine, through its little gentle dosages, was able to not only provide relief, but the nearly impossible task, recovery of a necrosed organ within 10 days. The patient thus recovered and restored to perfect health.
Such is the strength of law of SIMILIA, on which the system is based.
The goal of homeopathy is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health.