Few post earlier I had posted a case of cystic fibrosis of Lungs. It generated lots of curiosity. Here I am presenting another case with pre and post treatment chest reports with a brief history.
The patient was of 63 year old male living at Mumbai, having his own business. Patient was a suffering with hypertension and diabetes. He was referred to homoeopathy by his daughter, who had been benefited with her own and her children’s acute illnesses.
Patient was having complaints of recurrent cough, on and off for many years, which were treated by a chest physician at Mumbai.
On inquiring about his past illness it was revealed that he had suffered from Herpetic Eruptions, which were treated with local ointments.
As the complaints persisted the chest physician investigated the case, and apart from diabetes and Hypertension, he was found to have interstitial fibrotic lung disease. He was put on steroids along with other medications.
When, he failed to improve, In spite of the steroids and other medication, he was brought to Homoeopathy.
After complete case study, his treatment was started. The response was overwhelming. The cough, which had become very obstinate, subsided within few months. Patient recovered well within a span of one year.
Below are the chest reports of the patient, demonstrating the complete recovery, even at the tissue level.
First report March 2009.
Below is the report after the treatment which is dated July 2010.
Reports are self evident.
Homoeopathy saved one more case of severe form and provided relief to the sick…