Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chronic Vomiting in a Young girl, agony of parents…

This was a peculiar case, in which the patient is brought for homoeopathic treatment after trying conventional treatment for long.

The history of the case was as below:

The patient was a 9 years and 4 month old girl, the only child of her parents. she was fine for first five years of her life. There after she started having complaints of vomiting. Initially the parents thought: ‘she must have over eaten…’, ‘she must have exerted immediately after eating…’ and other such common reasons were attributed. After initial few months of the complaint they started worrying, and took her to a general practitioner. Some medicines were given to stop vomiting but to no benefit to patient.

The complaints worsened. She now experienced very bad pain in head along with vomiting. The headaches now persisted for more than 2 to 3 days and during which the girl used to vomit every thing, liquid and solid, whatever taken orally. The headaches were experienced every 2 to 3 months in the beginning, which became more frequent.

She was taken to pediatricians and later on to neurologists. Their treatment helped her to control the pains, initially, but later the frequency increased.

The treating doctors advised strict diet control. No out side food, no fast food, no acidic food not even acidic fruits, only freshly cooked home food comprising of rice, chapati (indian bread) and boiled or sparely spiced vegetables. This too did not prevented the recurrence of pain.

The girl started experiencing weakness with headaches as the vomiting would drain her out and no solid or liquid intake was possible for 2-3 days during the episodes of pain. after a while, it became a ritual for the parents and her physician. As soon as the child would complaint about the pain in head, parents used to rush her to the hospital. She would be admitted and administered intravenous fluid and painkillers, for 2-3 days. Once the episode is over, she would be fine for a period of couple of months, some time a month more. This continued for three more years.

She was brought for homoeopathic treatment after she suffered for four years.

After the detailed consultation she was given a  homoeopathic medicine.

Shocked to see only one medicine, the mother anxiously asked: “are you sure this medicine would help her for her headaches, vomiting, weakness…everything? Don’t you think she needs more?”

She was reassured by explaining the advantage of homoeopathic system of medicine, that only ONE medicine would cover all the complaints and would benefit the patient. There is no need to drug for each symptom.

As expected, the child recovered very well. To the amazement of parents the response was too quick. The child started eating everything cooked at home, without developing any discomfort. She became more energetic and active. She put on 2.5 kg weight within 2 months of treatment.

The child was given medicines for three months only. She is under constant observation. She has not experienced any headaches or vomiting, since her treatment.

She continues to enjoy good health…