Thursday, December 5, 2013

A kind of Post Traumatic Multiple Foreign Body, treated without surgical intervention!

A kind of Post Traumatic Multiple Foreign Body, treated without surgical intervention! 

Generally when one discusses the cases with homoeopathic medical treatment, the great emphasis is on the ‘mental state’, ‘physical tendencies’, ‘desire and aversions’ and other individualistic factors are to be kept in mind. But in a case of accident, where such factors are not of much importance, how homoeopathy can help?

Here I am presenting a case. The patient, 25 year of female, was riding on a two wheeler. While negotiating a busy circle, after crossing, she took a turn, only to meet a speeding four wheeler, head on. The collision was so strong that the two wheeler was damaged as was the four wheeler, at the bonnet and the windscreen was in pieces. The patient was in air for some moments and fell on her side. Fortunately for her, her injuries did not cause any fracture but multiple glass objects, flying from the windscreen, pierced her left arm. She had multiple lacerated injuries too.

The attending physician dressed the superficial wounds and advised for x-ray, primarily for ruling out any deeper tissue injury or fracture.

Below are the x-ray and its report.

The x ray was suggestive of multiple small glass pieces in lower arm, behind elbow and upper forearm. The radiologist suggested high resolution sonography to elicit the exact location.

The removal of multiple foreign bodies would involve multiple entry point and extraction under CT or Sonographic guidance.

The patient was one of my relative hence they asked for the opinion. I suggested the Non-Invasive Homoeopathic approach in which the patient is required to take only ORAL medication and nothing is to be done at the site of foreign bodies.

We treated the patient with homoeopathic medicine for two and a half month.

The pains and sensations of discomfort due to foreign bodies disappeared during the first week of treatment. She no longer could feel the foreign body, which were very painful to touch. After a month’s treatment, patient complained of proud flesh at the site of lacerations, she was developing Keloid at the site of injuries. 
Patient was advised to continue the same medicine.

The patient, was a Master’s student in Pharmacology, wanted to know the status of the foreign bodies, was advised for a follow up x-ray.

To her and her family members’ surprise, the x-ray was completely NORMAL, showing no foreign body.

At a recent social meeting the patient confirmed to be fine and the Keloids, at the site of lacerations, have disappeared completely.

This is the ‘beauty’ of homoeopathy. It treats the patient in non-invasive hence non-violently. In conventional treatment the patient would have undergone at least 6-8 incisions, constantly exposing her to CT for the guidance, (not to mention without CT guided procedure would have caused extensive trauma to tissues), pre and post-operative medications including antibiotics and painkillers and repeated dressings.  

Whereas Homoeopathy is so ‘gentle’, it acted promptly to relieve the pains and patient continued her ‘normal’ routine without any interruption. She was not only saved from frequent visits to hospital, but from the physical and emotional trauma of surgical procedure.

Hail Homoeoapthy!

Friday, September 27, 2013

A kind of Severe Depression

Yesterday I had a case with bipolar depressive psychosis. While explaining the prognosis to relatives of the patient I recalled a unique case of Depressive psychosis.

The patient was a lady in her late twenties, married and a mother of a boy. She was born to and practicing Jain sect.

Approximately a year ago she again conceived. She and her husband were not sure about continuation of pregnancy, so they discussed the issue with their parents. They expressed the opinion that the couple should decide about continuation or termination of pregnancy.

The couple eventually decided, that if they will have only one offspring, they would be able to provide a better childhood, education and culture, apart from spending well for overall upbringing of child. They consulted a gynaecologist and were prescribed pills. In due course of time the matterwas over.

After few weeks, the patient started feeling low. Gradually she started losing interest from daily routine of household routine.  Her appetite reduced and she lost interest of her personal delicacy and life. Over the time these reflected in every aspect of whole family. The husband could not understand the change in her behaviour; hence there were frequent arguments over missed domestic activities. She herself tried very hard to keep up, but somehow could not help. The family members thought she needs a break, so she was sent to her paternal home for a change.

At her home, her father could sense loss of interest of patient. He tried hard to know what troubled her but she said “everything is fine. I will be ok, give me some time”.

After few weeks she returned back to her in-law’shouse. As they could not see any change in her state, her husband and father-in-law, decided to take help of a doctor. Initially they consulted family physician and then a psychiatrist. Their medicines helped for some time, during which she used to sleep a lot, but later she experience all the more distress.  

Eventually she was brought for homoeopathic treatment. While narrating her complaints, she suddenly became quiet when she was asked about her menstrual history. After some time tears started. Her face appeared blank, but tears continued. After a long silence she said: “I killed my foetus. How is that I am still alive. I don’t have any right to live”.

Her tears continued to flow, and she appeared, as if, talking to herself: “I am born to a Jain family. From my early childhood, I am taught about ‘Ahimsa’.  I practice my religion with utmost sincerity. We do not eat or drink certain food or article forbidden by our creed. Neither we eat anything after evening, nor we drink water kept overnight in a jug, so as to avoid any killing of germs. We even don’t clean the floor of our house after evening to avoid killing of small insects. Andhere I am…look at me killed my own unborn child. You know doctor, we believe in karma, due to my good karma I must have conceived the child, and instead of bringing it to my family and this world I killed. Since then I am sleepless. Initially I could manage my household duties and other things but gradually I lost interest from everything. When I look into mirror I tell myself ‘you have killed a child for no reason, you are a killer’. Every now and then I see the face of child asking me ‘why have you killed me? I came to live with you, wanted to share my life with you and you did not allow me live’. At times I see delicate hands eager to touch me my face I can find peace anywhere.

Since my abortion, I feel, I have committed a great crime and my death will be the only penance. I do not want to live anymore… Do you have anything to offer me which can give me death?”

This patient was treated with other system of medicine without any benefit.

Under homoeopathic treatment she responded quickly. After first week’s treatment, her sleep was restored. Gradually her interest in household activity increased. After a couple of month she was nearly normal. Now she lives happily with her family.

The beauty of homoeopathy lies in the way it considers the ‘total’ case, covering patient’s mental, emotional state along with the physical complaints and their modalities. OnlyHomoeopathic medicines have the ability to affect and alter, hence treat the complaint of conscience. I know of no other therapeutic system which can treat the complaints of conscience.

Hail Hahnemann!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A kind of Migraine in a 12 year old Boy…



Here is an interesting case:

The 12 year old studying at a day school, had complaint headache for more than one year. He was diagnosed to have Migraine by a Neuro-physician.

The typical complaints were of pain in both the sides of head and top and back of his head. The pain increased with motion of head but is sat still or in a quiet room his pains would reduce. The use of laptop or watching of television for one to two hours will cause severe pain. The pain became worse from noise and cold room, even at night. He has diminished appetite but craved sweets, cream biscuits. He also complained of hair fall.

He is a shy boy, does not play much outdoors. The mother reported a unique observation: “His father is serving abroad. I and my son live here. I am a working mother, and have to reach office by 10 am. He put the alarm for waking on time. But, he sets same alarm in multiple devices for example, landline, cellphone, alarm clock etc. I always tell to set in any one device but he says ‘the backup is needed, what if one device does not work?’ This I am not able to understand. With the first sound of alarm he wakes up as hurriedly and stops all the devices. Mostly he is very irritated in the morning.”

This boy was treated with all kinds of medicines like home remedies, pain killers and drugs prescribed by Neuro-physician, without any benefit.

The homoeopathic medicines provided prompt relief and made life more enjoyable. The treatment lasted for less than two months. Today after more than nine months, he remains healthy, has gained weight.

The remarkable point: he uses only alarm clock and is composed when wakes up.

The true healing recovers the patient not only from the main complaints, but makes him healthy.